
Let’s Team Up and Sell More Together

US Foods

We’re calling on our suppliers to enhance their product content, imagery, and marketing copy.

Not only are we striving for data completeness, but also data quality. Publishing your validated data to us through your GDSN data pool is a great way to start. US Foods is leveraging the Syndigo View My Product application to provide our suppliers feedback on how their data looks in our system. Use the VMP provided scorecard to identify products with the missing content and images our valued customers are looking for.

This requires the full participation of our supplier partners. Your timely attention and action to this request is greatly appreciated.

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Content Guidelines

US Foods® has created content standards for our product imagery and marketing copy. We will review your submissions to ensure they adhere to our standards, and we may edit if necessary.

Content We Need

We have identified a number of your items that need additional photography and marketing copy. Follow the link to access instructions to participate in our effort and view a list of your items that require additional attention.


We have identified a number of your items that need additional photography and marketing copy. Follow the link to access instructions to participate in our effort and view a list of your items that require additional attention.

Let Us Do The Job

If you do not have marketing copy or professional images, our copywriters and photographers can create the content on your behalf. Get in touch with us at
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US Foods GDSN Implementation Guide